New Product: Fit Affinity Quick Shake & Weight Loss Bundle

Hello everyone!~

So, did I ever mention my husband used to work out a lot? That he used to do really well, built muscle, and knew how to do ‘stacks’ and all that to help build muscle mass and lose weight?

Well… he did. And I might be trying to start some ‘stacks’ to see what works for me.

Bitmoji Image
Seriously, so much info – so much stuff

He is getting back into working out as well and he has ALREADY lost 12 lbs! (… NOT FAIR. But I am super happy for him.)

And he is at the point where he wants to have his stacks and workout stuff to help him lose weight and help build muscle. And we know that men and women work differently so he has been trying to do research for BOTH OF US. (I lucked out. For sure.)

That is a lot less work for me – because that stuff can be overwhelming. But he knows where to start.

And this was one that he found that was recommended:

Quick Shake & Weight Loss Bundle

Fit Affinity.

They have stuff for men and women. (I would go for the chocolate shake they have, just to state.) And though it seems like it is $$$, if it helps and helps improve my health, it will be worth it.

(Not going to lie – I am saving a lot of money drinking shakes right now over having to buy food for every meal and watch so much food go to waste.)

So, my next paycheck, we are actually going to buy this for me. (We have stuff planned for him as well, but I won’t be reporting on how it works for him – sorry guys. T.T But who knows, maybe I’ll talk to him and we’ll go over his stuff as well.)

I will let you guys know how this feels. What is good is that I will be experiencing life without it first and see how I feel, how I do, etc before I get it so I have a baseline to compare too.

Interested in looking? We found it Here.

Have you tried this before? Do you like it? Recommend it? Or even something that worked better for you? Let me know!

(And this is trying it out of my own free will – I am current trying a different powder that I realize I should have written about before!)

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